Friday, July 13, 2012

Pretty Purses

So, for my birthday this year I asked the kids what we should all do.  Sean had to work so I decided to let them choose.  They all voted to go get Ruby a build a bear.  
Seriously?  Did they miss the memo that it was MOM'S birthday?  Not Ruby's?  Totally rude.

Whatev- we went.  Momo joined us for a trip to the mall and promptly bought both girls sparkly purses.  They were beyond excited.  Lila loves accessories but no one loves them quite like Ruby.

It's hard to be fabulous.

The purse has became quite the issue since then.  She wakes up and immediately panics until she has it.  She carries it to breakfast, the park, everywhere.  Here she is bright and early.  Interesting- looks like she stole here sisters purse too.

AND the next day.  Still in hand.  I wish she would just fall in love with my purse so I can have her carry it everywhere we go.  Like an assistant.

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

Lol! That's a clever idea:)