Saturday, May 5, 2012

Wild Animal Park

We spent the day with one of Lila’s besties at the Wild Animal Park a couple weeks ago. Here is Lila and Ella ready to start the day!


The gorillas are always a big hit with all the kids.  There was a baby this time which was super cute!


OMG Ruby.  Seriously, she is just a wee bit dramatic, don’t you think?


We thought the petting area would be fun.  WRONG.  The goats were not the gentle friendly things one would imagine in a petting zoo.  Those effers were RUDE.  We got head butted, knocked over and trampled.  

Don’t let this innocent face fool you.  He has some tricks up his fur.


Speaking of fur, Jett is is dire need of a haircut in this picture.


You know the day was a success when you get this before we even left the parking lot!


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