Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Zip Line


The kids are still loving their gymnastics classes.  The gym recently put in a big zip line and Jett’s class got to try it out.  He was a little nervous about it but I went ahead and told his teacher to strap him up and send him down.  You can hear that he wasn’t super pleased.  I think at four years old, he was one of the youngest kids to go on the zip line.  His record was very short lived however…it’s now held by a two year old.

Lila didn’t have class that day but she saw Jett go down and about lost her damn mind.  She started begging any instructor within ear shot to let her have a turn. 

They of course, can’t say no to her cute little face, so one of the teachers let her climb on up.  I figured once she climbed all the way to the roof area she would realize how high up it was and chicken out. 

Nope.  That girl went straight down with the biggest smile on her face!

I love that fearless little Lu :)