Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Getting some work done

In an attempt to counteract all the Jake and the Neverland Pirates that goes on at this house, I try to squeeze in a little learning time.  It erases the guilt I might get from too much TV.  A couple of workbook pages and POOF- guilt gone.  Although I do hear that Nick Jr is ‘like preschool on TV’ so I guess that shiz is good to go.

So, here we have Jett working on his letters and sounds.

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Lila wanted in on the action too so I set her up.  Sister needs a bit more practice though since she is trying to write with a disk drive.


And these days, Ruby won’t let us leave her out of anything.  So we got her all set up too.

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AND…there.  The TV can now be turned back on. HA!


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