Saturday, July 4, 2009


Now that Lila is getting older, I thought it might be time to let her join in on Jett's playtime. I first tried sitting her on the train table so she could see all the action....

This apparently was NOT a great idea. Jett immediatly started in with "baby, bumbo on COUCH. COUCH mama, COUCH. Bumbo, baby COUCH!!!" So, I think he wanted her off his tracks.

She was able to stand at the edge with him for a few minutes which was acceptable to him, BUT he made sure she didn't mess with his trains too much. This is observation time only baby!

Good thing she's a great observer! Look at how attentive she is. Here he is telling her the ins and outs of trains and tracks.

Maybe next time you can drive one Lila!