Monday, January 21, 2013

The Elf On the Shelf

We joined the Elf on the Shelf craze this year and boy was it the best idea ever!  Fighting kids?  Elf is watching, kiddo's.  Make your moves wisely.  I've never had such well behaved kids when reminded of this little helper!  They decided to name him Fred Tart the Watching Elf.

And watch he did.  Fred pretty much rules.

For those that don't have this amazing behavior elf, the jist of it is; he goes back to the North Pole each night to report to Santa on the kids' behavior.  He also tells Santa what they want- so they can tell the elf.  Then, each morning, he reappears when they wake up...usually he is up to some mischief while they sleep.  You can't ever touch the elf, however, or else he will lose his magic.

I forgot to take pictures of all the days but here are some of them...most of which I will fully admit were stolen from Pinterest.

The rumor is Elves love sugar.  Fred drank up most of our syrup one day...

Captured by some Marines.

This one was a favorite of the kids...he switched out the stockings with the kids' chonies.  And he left some Christmas Tree Cakes too!

Roasting marshmallows.

Taking a dive into the Hershey's Kisses.

One morning Fred was nice enough to whip up some tiny pancakes.

Playing Candyland with Santa.

Toilet papering the Christmas Tree.

Zip lining!

Gaming with Woody.

Snowball/Marshmallow fight.

Drawing faces on the family.

This one was when it was Sean's turn to help out.  Lounge singing to some dolls.  LOL

On Christmas Eve it was time to say goodbye to Fred.  The kids were super sad as they really looked forward to waking up and seeing what Fred had been up to.  Legend has it that on Christmas Eve the Elf doesn't need as much magic to get home since he will be hitching a ride in Santa's sleigh.  So, for that reason, you can give him one small hug goodbye.   

Ruby and Jett gave him a big hug but Lila never trusted that shifty little Elf so she passed on the goodbye hug.

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