Sunday, February 5, 2012


I know that it is quite possible that after reading my blog for a while, you might wonder if my children are supervised at all.  Trust me, I would wonder if I were you.

My only excuse is that I work from home…it’s going to get a little hairy from time to time.  Think of it this way- imagine what your day would be like if you had your kids come to your office each day.  Not pretty, right?!?!

On this particular morning, I remember taking a call and leaving my kids in the safety of the living room.  What harm can be done in five minutes while I locked myself in a closet and tried to pretend I was in a professional setting?

Well…apparently it was time for a little beauty parlor.



Lila decided to doll up her sister with a little lip gloss.

Only she used Sharpies.


Then, as if that wasn’t enough fun, she unraveled a roll of toilet paper to “make it snow” as she said.


See?  Snow angels.

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Now time to teach Ruby how to do it.  Super awesome.

Just another day at the office!


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