Friday, February 3, 2012

Christmas Eve 2011

This year we decided to do Christmas Eve a little differently.  We usually go to Christmas Eve Mass every year but each year, as we add more and more kids to this clan, Church doesn’t really seem to have the same effect as it once did.  First off, you have to get to church like 3 hours early for those “holiday Catholics"  (cough, like me, cough) and then, as if that doesn’t just wipe everyone out, then you have to make the kids wait another hour of the longest nativity show ever made. 


This year, Auntie Sarah had the bright idea that we can create that kind of thing right here at Momo’s!  Save us the drama of the fight for a seat and even better- all our our kids get to be the star of the show.  Sarah and I convinced Momo and Papa this was a great idea, high fived each other for 3 hours more to be at home rather than seat saving, and hurried to make costumes.  Raquel, naturally, offered to be the playwrite.  I figured she would whip up something simple but I knew we were in for a treat when Lawrence called to ask why she had used up 3 reams of paper and 12 ink cartridges.  

Raquel then called to prep the kids of their parts and lines.  After seeing Lila had a really significant role with about a 15 minute monologue, I tried to break it to Raquel that she was only two years old, and I wasn’t sure she could memorize all that.  No worries, Raquel told me…she had a script for her.

I didn’t have the heart to remind her that homegirl doesn't read yet.

All the boys ready to begin the show.


Drew also had several lines but at the last minute it was decided he was needed as a camera man.


Ben as the obvi choice for baby Jesus.


Jett playing the drummer boy.


And Lila, the Angel.  She insisted on pairing the wings and halo with tap shoes.  It was actually a really nice and creative touch.


The show really took off when Josh decided to reenact Four Christmas’s rather than the original Christmas Story.  Who knew Josh was such a natural Vince Vaughn??



Remember how I mentioned Lila can’t read yet?  Luckily Papa stepped in to assist with her lines.


And then there was Ethan.  He was the least excited North Star I have ever seen.  I think he thought this whole thing was just so weird.  Hey Ethan, we saved you from an hour long homily and countless Peace-be-with-yous.  A little appreciation would be good here.


Ruby didn’t really have a part.  But she made a fantastic audience.


After the original screenplay, it was time for presents.  Not to brag but I did get Drew his most favorite gift.  It’s hard to be the perfect Auntie.


Ree Ree got Luke these Harry Potter glasses and he was SOOO jazzed about it.  seriously- does he not resemble the real Harry Potter?  bluke

Lila and Ruby got this huge chest full of dress up clothes from the Files family…they loved it!  IMG_6582

After many more presents and Momo’s traditional Christmas jammies we tried for a group picture.  It’s so awesome that 4 kids aren’t looking and 3 of them are mine. 


It was a great Christmas Eve!  Time to get home and ready for Santa Clause to arrive :)

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