Friday, December 30, 2011

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Well technically it’s a week past Christmas but hey- let’s pretend that it’s not.  These pictures were taken prior so that’s really all that matters, no?

The weekend after Thanksgiving we pulled out all the Christmas stuff and doned the Christmas jammies (last years still fit!) and made some hot chocolate in these cool cups Grandpa and Grandma Bunch got the kids.  Jett loved that the straw doubled as both a drinking aid and a telescope.

IMG_6395 IMG_6398

You can’t say I don’t try.  Here is my millionth attempt at getting a good shot of all three.  I even hilariously thought I might get a Christmas card worthy picture. HA!

This one was close but Ruby is a little TOO enthusiastic in this one. And the wand doesn’t really go with the theme.


Yeah, no.  This one’s not it either.



IMG_6419    Two outta three.  Getting closer!


Nailed it.


Now that we have a winning Christmas card worthy picture, it was time to decorate!

Ruby was excited that she could participate this year rather than sleep right through it all like last year.  She also has this same “cheese!” face in almost every picture too.  It’s her latest trick.


Hey Jett wanna play with this trai- CHEESE! 

She can bust a chesse out lickity split.


Meanwhile, Lila began the tree decorating.  Her technique needs a bit of work but I didn’t want to hinder any creativity so I just let her go with it.


Actually no, I’m going to have to fix all this.


Lila testing out Aunt Bev’s handmade stockings to see if they are both decorative AND functional.


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