Sunday, May 22, 2011

Family Day 2011

Each year the school I work for has a family day.  Since we all work from home, we rarely get a chance to hang out and get to know each other in a non work way so family day is always a super fun way to do just that!  The kids always have the best time too.

This here is Julia.  If you know Lila at all, then you know she has a hard core obsession for Minnie Mouse.  WELL- this little peanut here next to Lila gave her a Minnie Mouse stuffed animal when Lila was really little and that began the love.  Just a little fun fact for you.


Ruby, as per usual, was super popular.  Men, woman and children all volunteer to snuggle this love bug. 

What can I say?  It’s hard to have a perfect baby.

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Sometimes I wish I was 4 again. It’s the only time you can go up to a random stranger, hand them a mask and say “Hey, I’m Optimus Prime.  You be Bumble Bee, ok?”  And then you have an insta- friend.


In true family-picnic style, there were plenty of family friendly games.

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I have no idea where the hell Jett found a gun.  But good think the little squirt next to him thinks his finger is just as powerful!


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