Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Wheels!

Sean’s mom- aka Wheels celebrated her birthday this weekend so we decided to go big and make a weekend of it.

Initially it was just the fam- dam but I weaseled my way into the festivities by insisting they needed an extra person to take the pictures.  Because otherwise someone would always be out of the pic and that would just make for terrible pics- don’t you think??

The whole gang about to head to wine country…

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Cheers to Wheels!



I dont’ know about you guys…but this picture could sell wine, don’t you think?  Kimbo totally should be the next Wilson Creek girl.

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Hmmm, what’s in there??


The next day the gang stopped by Jett’s game.


Momo and Papa joined in too.  You can’t ever have too many fans at a t-ball game!


Heeeeey there!  You got the same hat as me!

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Jett was on third so Sean went over to try and convince him to slide into home.  Jett was just thrilled to have made it safely to third.

Cuz, you know how tough those t- ball fielders can be!


“Just run real fast, then slide into home”


So Jett took off and I heard him say “But I don’t know howda slide dad!”

But you know what- he went for it anyhow!  He ran and just dropped to his knees and slide.

Not exactly it, but not half bad for a first time either!

And seriously- he’s the only t - baller to have attempted the slide so far!


After the game he was super duper excited to see his God mother.

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Happy Birthday Grandma!  We hope you had a great weekend!!


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