Friday, April 1, 2011

Game day

Jett had his second game this weekend.  He was super excited about it and told us that he was going to be really good and listen to everything his commander told him.

Uh, dude….it’s a coach, not a commander.  Might want to lay off the Star Wars videos.


He found a feisty little pre-game pal.  I think she’s asking him to rock paper scissors her to see who got to bat first.


Jett thought she was super hilarious because when it was her turn…she stood up, threw her glove and bat down and shouted to the crowd “I’M DONE!!”  and refused to take her turn.

LOL!  T-ball is so entertaining.


Commander Kurt organized a little fielding practice before the game.  I love that Jett plays the entire game with that big ole smile on his face.IMG_3614

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