Thursday, March 17, 2011

T ball!

Jett played in his first ever T-ball game today! 

He is the newest St. Louis Cardinal and he did great for his first game.  The team is kids ages 2.5—5 so you can imagine that is is about as hilarious as Lila’s dance class.  One of Jett’s main concerns was trying to make sure there would be plenty of people to clap for him.  He REALLY wanted fans.

Luckily, Lila was happy to help in that department!


And here he goes…off to his first ever at bat.


And he swings!!!


And makes it safely to first!  He’s so happy with himself :)


Check out this video.  It’s so cute – after he hits, he looks back and is so happy.  His coach tells him to run to first so Jett takes off….to third!

Oh well- we have all season to get the silly details down.

And this girls is ready to cheer for her big brother every week!


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