Thursday, March 24, 2011

Big girl beds

Hey look!  Ruby is in her crib!  Good thing we took a picture because this doesn’t happen everyday.  Grandma Bunch came to stay for a few days and she *said* Ruby slept in her crib but I know know…I didn’t see it and she certainly doesn’t sleep much in there for me!

But…here she is, peaceful as can be!


And Lila is now in the big girl bed.  She took the change like a champ.  She stays in her bed for the most part.  I only caught her out of it once…she was at her vanity table coating her eyelids with diaper cream.  Hey- when you don’t have any eye shadow handy- you improvise!


The best part of Lulu’s new bed is that it’s big enough for everyone!IMG_3380


Kreg and Nicole said...

Ahhh I love this picture of them all in bed together!!!

Evelyn said...

That last picture is darling! One for the mantlepiece for sure=)

Raquel said...

Ahh Lila . . . but you know what they say, anything for beauty . Lol