Sunday, December 4, 2011

No Lila

Lila is the one kid in the family that really keeps my on my toes.  She is so funny and keeps us all laughing…but she is also the one that has to test every limit.  If you have read the book “No David” you might have an idea of what I’m dealing with.  Ironically, it’s Lila’s favorite book and she asks to read it like a 100 times a day.  David and her are like kindred spirits I guess.

Just a few days ago she made “soup” in the toilet with my serving spoons (and people- Jett forgets to flush like 99% of the time). So there went that set of spoons into the trash.

Not enough bleach in the world for that.



And then the latest was her art creation downstairs.  I was up changing Ruby (we are talking about 2-3 minutes peeps) and I came down to see she had colored all over Jett’s tool bench, added an American Flag sticker….


And the mother of all – she sliced up Ruby’s pack in play that I had left set up down there.  First off, I don’t leave scissors just lying around so no idea how she found them and two, why WHY did she feel the need to shred it like that?  What a waste of a good pack in play.


That sweet face is always up to something!!


1 comment:

Raquel said...

Yup . . . that's Lila allright .
- Raquel