Our baby girl turned TWO! She thinks she is twenty two though :)
She has been waiting for this day- we have had birthday’s for Papa, Grandpa, Daddy, Auntie Beef, Auntie Ree Ree…all in the last month! She had the happy birthday song down pat and was soooo waiting for her turn.
Well- that day finally came! We had a little family party (well, nothing is ever ‘little’ when you have a big family but you get the idea). Lila walked into Momo’s house to find this little number waiting for her:
She loved her new tricycle…but hoped off it to help me finish up her cake.
And by helped, I mean ate.
She loves all thing Minnie Mouse so this was my attempt at a Minnie themed cake.
I know, I know- Sean’s cakes are so much more elaborate. Blah blah blah.
The happy birthday girl.
How old, you ask? I’m TWO!
Let’s see if Momo can help show me how to make a two.
Screw it. I’m FOUR!!
Can never have enough taste tests!
Homegirl was REALLY excited about the presents.
Presents make her happy :) Just like her Momma!
Each year Momo and Papa get Lila a Madame Alexander doll. This year it was the “Wild Thing'” doll.
Very appropriate for this wild child.
There was some Madame mini’s in there too which clearly she was super excited about!
Cake Time!
The moment she has been waiting for…
Mmmm, I’ll take a slice with that spit there on it. Thanks for that Lulu!
The next morning was her actual birthday. So, we did it all over again- candles in the pancakes :)
And to drag out her day even more- we had yet another celebration at Stadium Pizza that night.
And one more time! happy Birthday to Lila!!!!
We love you little girl!
I can't believe she's two! What a big girl:) just realized her birthday was weeks ago tho! Happy belated Lila!
I want her outfit...a few sizes bigger.
That comment was from Angela, not Braden...
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