Sunday, August 1, 2010

Gone Fishin

Jett got to go with the big boys fishing this morning.  He was super excited and I’m happy to report that it was a success!  Jett caught a fish all by himself…I’m not sure who was more proud- him or dad!

Oh and this wasn’t with just a little Snoopy pole either.  Sean says that’s how he learned back in Missu with his Uncle Jim.  Sean says you just gotta go straight into the big leagues.  Oh and by the way- thanks Papa – betcha didn’t know this was YOUR pole did ya?  Jett says it worked great :)


Check out the stratigic placement of the bobber out in the sweet spot by the trees.  (Clearly I have some help with the narration this time.  What the heck is a sweet spot????)

Dad says Jett cast that.  Hmmmmm.


There she is! 

Let’s hope this one doesn’t come back to live in our tank like the bass Dad caught.

IMG_6061Here’s another one.  A little bigger as you might notice.  Jett’s starting to figure out how these fish operate.


Oh.  And this picture?  This was Lila when she was told she couldn’t go fishing.

NOT pleased.


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