Monday, August 30, 2010

The Binky Bucket

Lila loves LOVES her binky’s.  I thought as she got a little older she might start wanting them less and less, but no.  It’s not really working out like that.  She has a serious addiction.  I know the day will come (sooner rather than later) where she will have to give them up but she has absolutely no intentions of doing that anytime soon.

I mean…do you see how happy she is??


People….in this popcorn cup….is my LIFE.


I gave her this container and told her to go find all her binky’s.  It kept her busy for like an hour!  It was almost like Easter morning watching her hunt under the couch, look in her dollhouse, in every corner of every room she collected her precious binky’s.  She was thrilled to hoard them all in one convenient carrier.


At least she’ll share!


1 comment:

Evelyn said...

This was Emily's 2nd favorite post of all time. It is second ONLY to the video of Lila putting on your makeup. Emily and Lila would be best friends;)