Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth!

Fourth of July was celebrated at the annual Valdes party.  It was another fun year- the only bummer was that I missed out on the water polo tournament.  Apparently no one wants a 7 month pregnant chick to play?  Maybe it was just the though of a 7 month pregnant chick in a bathing suit.  It’s too bad, I would have made a great goalie!


Now I know this doesn’t look like your typical Fourth of July activities but the boys decided to forego the bar-b-q and other festivities to set up an ambush instead.  Here is team Bunch getting ready for the enemy.


The Files boys are about to make their attack.  Little do they know what’s waiting for them around the corner…..


Look at that ammo.   They have no chance against this father son duo!


Meanwhile, back inside, Lila hit up Carly’s bedroom for some “pretties.”  Carly is a real-live princess – homecoming princess, Miss Temecula- you name it, she’s won it.  Lila especially liked her beautiful jewelry paired with the crown.

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The fireworks were a great end to a great day!


Lu barely made it though.  Luckily Momo was around to take a snooze on for the second half of the show.


Thanks Valdes family for another fantastic fourth!!

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