Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Lila!

Our little baby is already one!  We had a low key party at Momo and Papa’s to celebrate the big day.  Lila loved everything about her big day- the attention, the presents but most of all….the CAKE.


Thanks Auntie for taking all the pics!

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BEST.CARD. EVER.  From Raquel :)

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All the boys pitched in and helped Lila tear open her gifts.  They were really excited at first but after the second or third doll or Barbie they lost interest :)

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Even baby Jacob got into the spirit and sported this beautiful tiara.

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This masterpiece was decorated by Auntie Ree Ree and Sean.  Yes, I did say Sean.  He has a knack for cake decorating…remember the Thomas Cake??

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The proud parents. 1-31 (lilas bday) 102


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Evelyn said...

Too much cuteness in this post!

Kelly and Chris said...

Love, Love, Love the birthday shots. She is so cute!