Lisa J Mails had a fall festival out at Petlzer Farms pumpkin patch last week and the boys, as well as Kel and Ethan had a fab time. Jett's batman costume hadn't arrived in the mail yet, but thankfully Auntie pulled through with this Spidy outfit.
How cute are these super hero's?
Some practice for trick or treating....Jett must have forgotten how it worked last year because he was thrilled and SUPA surprised that these strangers were handing out candy!! He didn't really get the "trick or treat" part down - he just held out his bag. I do have to say that he definitely had the "THANK YOU!!!!!!!!" down pat. Love the manners ;)
Hey look! Jett's friends Dane and Luke! Can you see how thrilled they are to stop for a picture? At least little Dane is cooperating.
This is the next night but as you can see the Spiderman mask was still in full effect. Jett tends to really get his money's worth from costumes in case you hadn't noticed that!!
We went up to Momo and Papa's for dinner and Spidy wore himself out.
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