Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Halloween Sneak Peek 2

Jett is OBSESSED with Batman lately. He is loving all things superhero but Batman holds a special place in his heart. So when the subject of what to be for Halloween came up - the was no changing his mind. Batman it is!

His costume arrived in the mail today. How happy does he look??

He wanted to make sure I "got a picture of the cape."
and a picture of the "seatbelt."
In true Jett fashion, he loved his instructions as much as the costume itself.
He was so so so happy to see himself as Batman. I got a little of him flying around Lila's room. He wanted to make sure everything looked quite right! I love how he keeps checking himself out as he runs by :)

It's exhausting being a super hero. Batman got so tired that he just collapsed right here. Standing up! Hey, when you are a superhero - you can do all sorts of super acts!
Nighty night Batman.

1 comment:

Kelly and Chris said...

I love this post - he is so funny in the video! in true super hero form, he is "OK" after he falls.