Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day Photo Shoot

My friend Angela had the bright idea to take some pics of the kids for the dad's for father's day. The location was perfect, the weather was not bad, BUT it was waaaay too early for Jett. You'd think 9:30 would be a great time for a toddler, right? Not my child. The little night owl was not having it. He was a crabby pants for the whole time. The stinker usually sleeps in until about 1030ish. I know, I know. RIDICULOUS.

Papa really has his hands full trying to shoot four toddlers. Braden was by far the most cooperative. Jett was by far the least cooperative. I think he's kicking Drew in this pic? Nice Jett....real nice.

Lila and her toes :)

Papa and his boys. Jett and his truck.

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