Elmo made a rare appearance to the city of Temecula yesterday...ok fine it wasn't the REAL Elmo, in fact it was a poor imitation of Elmo...BUT Jett didn't care. Any Elmo is fun to him and the day was even better because he got to play at My Gym AND see his bestie Braden!
Jett loved all the climbing stuff :)
I have no idea who this random little girl is, nor do I know if she was ok with Jett rolling her all over the gym. She looks alright with it?
The anticipation is over...ELMO! Jett couldn't believe it...he also couldn't believe it when he saw Braden was there too!
So it looks like the My Gym worker just really loves Jett and is playing with him...but really what is happening here is they were saying "take ONE step towards Elmo, now take THREE steps torward Elmo...!" Jett would just run full speed. He wanted Elmo and he wanted to get there first! So this is acutally a picture of restraint.
Erin- Love that Jett had to be held back from Elmo... I just crack up every time there is a new post on him. Lila is so precious... can't believe she is so big...I thought Maddie was big with her 6-9 month clothes... love it.
AAAAAH, I'm used to the Seaworld Elmo. WHAT IS THAT? LOL, the kids are adorable and funny as always!
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